Why do so many tourists visit Germany often in the summer? Summer…

Why do so many tourists visit Germany often in the summer?

Summer in Germany doesn’t feel the same without its traditional festivals, varieties of food, accommodation and beers. Besides this, Germany is known as a cheaper country to visit than the other countries in Europe.

As a tourist, do you need to know the German language to get by?

Even if you are a non-German speaker, it would be good if you knew a few basic German words when you go to this country. There are people who speak English in Germany but most shop and road signs are in German.

Is it difficult to get help from people who live in Germany?

The generosity and politeness of people in Germany can easily be noticed when they are hosting for foreign visitors. If you have any difficulties while visiting the country, don’t worry, the citizens will be more than happy to help.

What is and isn’t allowed in your luggage while traveling to Germany?

Before you travel to Germany, make sure that you have read the latest security requirements and what you need to have in your bag and what is not allowed.

Where do people who travel to Germany the most come from and how many of them are there?

Most number of visitors coming to Germany are from the Netherlands. With measurements such as more than 4 million short term visitors.

Why should you visit Berlin on the 9th of November?

Visiting the capital city of Germany, Berlin, on the 9th of November will give you an unforgettable experience of the gathering of all the people who have come together to celebrate the fall of the Berlin wall.

Can you travel around Germany easy if you only speak English?

Being away from your home country can be scary, especially because of the unfamiliar surroundings. You don’t have to worry about this if you’re traveling to Germany. If you happen to know English, you can pretty much ask anyone in the street and they will understand and reply to you.

What is the main reason why you wouldn’t be allowed to travel to Germany?

You won’t be allowed to enter Germany and will be sent to your home country if it is proven that your passport isn’t valid for at least three months after your period of stay in Germany. You need a valid passport to enter Germany.