Are you able to bring a dependent with you when you are…

Are you able to bring a dependent with you when you are a work visa holder?

You must generally provide your passport, as well as a wedding certificate or proof of a registered or civil partnership, when applying for a visa for your spouse to join you. Your spouse is immediately eligible to work in Germany in any capacity once a residence visa is obtained.

What are some reasons as to why you would get deported from Germany?

One of the most obvious reasons for deportation is the commission of a crime. The seriousness of the crime and the amount of protection requested by the perpetrator have an influence on the outcome. Deportation will not be granted to someone who has committed a misdemeanor and is risking torture or death in his own country. A foreigner with a German family or a successful job is less likely to be deported if the offense committed was minor.

Who should apply for the German Work Visa?

If you already have a job offer from a company in Germany and want to come to the country to apply for a work and residence visa, you must apply for an Employment Visa. If you want to work in Germany, you must apply for a Job-Seeker Visa. It is valid for six months, during which time you must look for and find work.

What is the cost of a German work visa?

A work visa in Germany costs €75 in total. However, you should check with the German consulate in your country because, depending on your circumstances or area of origin, you may be required to pay less. Keep in mind that if your visa is refused, you will not get a refund.

What type of visa do you need if you want to work in Germany?

To live and work legally in Germany, you must have a German work and residence permit. You do not need to apply for both a German work permit and a residence permit separately; you may apply for both at the German Immigration Authority Office (Ausländerbehörde) at the same time.

Is Health Insurance important when applying for a German Visa?

When applying for a visa, you must include proof of health insurance with your other papers. Aside from that, you’ll need to provide proof of financial assistance. You will be unable to apply for a visa if you do not have these papers.

What is important to check before applying for your visa?

Double-check your documents before submitting them to the German consulate. German embassies are known for being rigorous, and your application will be reviewed thoroughly. Since a result, take your application carefully and avoid making any mistakes if at all possible, as this will greatly increase your chances of being accepted.

What is the length of a German work visa?

It’s crucial to avoid any gaps in employment authorization and to remember that your immigration work visa is only valid for a year. Thankfully, you may apply for a work visa renewal 180 days (6 months) before your current one expires. Do not forget to check when it expires!