Are you seeking a job in Germany, which type of Visa should…

Are you seeking a job in Germany, which type of Visa should you apply for?

The German Employment Visa is the most wanted visa by people who want to work in Germany. With this visa people can work in Germany for up to two years. Other types of visas for Germany are The Tourist/Visitor Visa and the Student Visa.

How does writing an appeal letter benefit you and when should you write it?

If you have been denied entry to Germany then you can write and appeal letter to the embassy. In this letter you have to include strong reasons why you think that you deserve the visa.

Why do so many people apply for a German Visa every year?

The good living conditions and high salaries charm of Germany make millions of people to request visas every year. While the rejection rates keep going up, approx 2 and a half million people applied each year.

Are there opportunities for you as a foreigner to get a job in Germany?

Germany is known as an open country with many job positions opened through the year and with many international people coming to Germany to seek for a job. If you can’t find a job at your home country, there are options for you in Germany.

What can you do if your Visa application gets denied?

Researching for the visa, gathering all the required documents to apply for a visa for Germany is a pretty difficult process. If it happens that your visa gets denied, don’t get discouraged, you can always re-check your documents and apply again.

How important is Health Insurance when applying for a German Visa?

You have to take your health insurance with your other documents when you apply for a visa. Besides that, one other important document is proof of financial support. If you don’t have these you won’t be able to apply for the visa.

What do you need to do before you collect the right documents and submit them to the embassy?

Before you gather your documents to submit the visa application for Germany, make sure that you have stated the right visa which matches your purpose of going to Germany.

What are some places and events in German that attract many tourists throughout the year?

The Schwerin Castle, Nuremberg Christmas Market, Old Town Hall in Bamberg, Octoberfest and many other places and events in Germany are destinations for travelers all around the world who apply for visa to Germany.